Writing Creatively

Writing Creatively
Creative Writing Tips

Monday, September 7, 2015

Kim Kelly’s Pink Siren

Writers begin writing their blogs for a variety of reasons, and I’m always intrigued to find out what prompts them to start blogging.

For Kim Kelly, author of Pink Siren, “Life had brought on many changes in my life and I knew I had a story to tell and adventures to share. I finally knew me and accepted that life and love had to be shared. Experiences need to happen and sharing them was an avenue that I wanted to explore.”

Kim had just begun a new career as an Interim Innkeeper, what she refers to as an “Innsitter – somebody who runs your inn instead of you,” a job that included solo traveling after the age of 50 to “beautiful places,” and Kim wanted to share her experiences with her readers.

Kim also shares books she reads, teas she drinks, photos she takes, and wisdom she learns. Kim’s mantra and her Pink Siren blog, were inspired by a Mark Twain quote, and she tries to live, write, and create her experiences based on Mark Twain’s wisdom: 

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

If you’re a wanderlust, a traveler over the age of 50, and if you love to “discover, dream, and explore life at any age,” you’ll enjoy reading Pink Siren. Just click on any of the links in this blog.

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