Writing Creatively

Writing Creatively
Creative Writing Tips

Friday, October 16, 2009


You've seen those web sites that offer FREE this and FREE that, but when you click on them you discover that you have to pay for SOMETHING. And sometimes, with free trials, you discover (too late) that you have agreed (unwittingly) to pay for monthly fees that can end up costing you THOUSANDS of dollars. (For more on fraud and scams click HERE.)

Well THIS site actually charges you NOTHING. It doesn't ask you for you debit card number, for your paypal account, or even for your address or phone number.

It asks you only to read. Yes, read. Read articles and blogs, comment on the articles and blogs, send your information to an email address posted at the end of the page, and get in return over 20 pages of information about YOU.

I didn't just FIND this web site – I created it. Did I have an ulterior purpose? Yes. I want you to read my blogs and articles – not all of them, mind you, just some of them. The more you read, the more you get.

Wouldn't you like a sneak peak at the personality your baby is likely to develop? Have you wondered about how your new partner will relate to you? Through horoscopes, personality profiles, relationship profiles, and more, you can discover things about yourself you might not already know. They make great birthday gifts, too.

If you believe that energy affects the people around you, you might consider that the energy from planets affects you as well.

So what are you waiting for? If you haven't tried it, what do you have to lose? You might even enjoy some of the articles and blogs you read. And hey! You can use this blog and the link above as two of your reads!

To access the Astrology and Horoscope web site, click HERE.

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