Writing Creatively

Writing Creatively
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TGI Software Drives Business Performance

If you own your own manufacturing and distribution company, you know the importance of efficiency. Your equipment needs to run efficiently, your employees need to work efficiently, and your software must produce results efficiently.

ERP Software, Distribution Software, and Manufacturing Software through TGI offer the kind of results you expect. They also offer 24-hour customer service support to make your business run uninterrupted. What's more, TGI strives to beat the competition and guarantees your satisfaction. TGI is also discreet.

With its unique business philosophy that encourages you to compare TGI with other companies and with its free first-year maintenance for Enterprise 21, you owe it to yourself to give TGI a try whether you are in the cheese and dairy industry, financial management, the medical field, or any other distribution or manufacturing endeavor. 

Click any of the links in this blog to find more information on TGI.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Eating a bowl of dip all by myself

Guest post written by Ashley Brown

I'm not proud of myself that I sat on my couch and ate a whole huge bowl of nacho cheese dip by myself. But one thing that I am proud about is that I was able to make it from scratch and I have to say that this dip was downright delicious.

I've made some dip before hat you just melted a block of fake cheese down with, but that just doesn't compare to what I made. I found the recipe online and when I was searching for a good one, I saw some info on debt settlement and after I looked through it a little bit I decided to use it to help out with my debt.

I was pretty astounded with how great this dip was. Too bad I was pretty ashamed that I ate all of it by myself or I would have shared it with someone, or at least let someone know how awesome the dip was. I think that my boyfriend would have really loved it. Although I'm sure he would have eaten most of it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Post Your Resumé HERE!

Spring is here and you know what that means – GRADUATES! – LOTS of graduates – competing for YOUR job. How will you stand out from the competition? 
You post your resumé on SideSkills!
Unlike other employment-type web sites where the only goal is either to post a resumé or search through job listings while you wait sometimes for months or longer, SideSkills offers collaboration as well. You find others involved in similar businesses who share your personal interests, and you network!
SideSkills is, "The world's first socially interactive way to promote you, your services and your products." SideSkills is free to use, offers full, part-time, or contract jobs, 24/7 customer service support and so much more. According to the SideSkills web site, "Your skills and talent are needed."
If you're looking for work, click the link above and you'll be on your way to making extra money, receiving custom offers, and monetizing your skills. No more worrying about the competition, because SideSkills.com is the fastest growing employment, career networking, and eCommerce platform for job seekers. 
You may just find the quickest way to get hired and a better way to market yourself, your services, or your products. 
Ready to give SideSkills a try? Click the link above and POST YOUR RESUMÉ.

The Kavinoky Law Firm

The Kavinoky Law Firm is home to one of the most renowned California criminal lawyers – Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer, Darren T. Kavinoky, a lawyer "recognized again and again for his extraordinary legal skills" (as shown on the Kavimoky Law Firm web site). Kavinoky was also recently designated a SuperLawyer by Los Angeles Magazine.

You may have heard of him – Darren T. Kavinoky has appeared on such television programs as Entertainment Tonight, the Today Show, and the Dr. Phil show. In addition to the aforementioned TV shows, Kavinoky is also the legal analyst for The Insider.

The Kavinoky Law Firm takes the fear out of what could be a terrifying experience for anyone arrested for a crime, whether the client has been arrested for drug crimes, Federal crimes, DUIs, or evading arrest.

The Kavinoky Law Firm also deals with other criminal offenses, such as domestic abuse issues, immigration problems, sex crimes, real estate fraud, homicide, firearms offenses, property destruction, and a multitude of other criminal offenses. 

With offices in the northern part of the state and in the southern part of California – Los Angeles, Encino, Newport Beach, San Diego, Riverside, San Francisco, San Jose, Walnut Creek, and Sacramento – The Kavinoky Law Firm is easy to reach and provides criminal defense for anyone living in the entire state of California. 

If you would like to avail yourself of the services provided by the Kavinoky Law firm, visit the Kavinoky Law Firm web site by clicking the links provided.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

When Tracy's mother was diagnosed with cancer, somebody crocheted a hat for her. Tracy and her mother were touched by this simple, heartwarming gift and decided to pay it forward by crocheting hats for other cancer patients. They came up with their own website, CrochetForCancer.com where they ask readers to participate by donating crocheted hats. To help increase donations, they offer links for crocheted hat patterns.

As one who will be taking chemo pills until July of 2015 for breast cancer, I know firsthand how important head coverings are for cancer patients. I was bald for several months, but I was lucky – I didn't have to purchase wigs, hats, or scarves, because I was blessed with kind and generous friends and family members who bought me a wig, a couple of hats, and several scarves.

Wigs can be bothersome for cancer patients whose hair eventually grows back, because hair sticks inside the tiny webbing and causes the head to itch. Scarves, while beautiful, don't always stay on slippery bald heads, something I discovered once when I was driving with my window rolled down.

Hats tend to stay on the head and I wore hats most of the time – which worked well during the winter months – having had a thick head of hair for most of my life, I was surprised by how the cold affected my head when I lost all of my hair – and I genuinely appreciated those hats. 

One thing cancer patients don't want is a hat filled with so many openings that their bald heads can be seen through the holes. If you decide to crochet hats for cancer patients, please make sure your weave is tight. Single crocheted hats work well, though a bulky yarn using a double crochet will work well in the winter months. When you crochet a hat, make sure it covers the head from the forehead to the nape of the neck.

Also, since summer is just around the corner, crocheting with 100% cotton or 100% silk will help the cancer patient be comfortable during the hot sticky summer months (100% silk yarn, however, is difficult to find; it is also very expensive).

Want to become involved in Crochet for Cancer's cause? According to Crochet for Cancer's FaceBook page, "We primarily donate items to centers in Georgia and Indiana but hope to one day spread our passion into each state." If you want to expand to your state, please contact Crochet for Cancer by sending an email to info@crochetforcancer.com. 

The preceding blog appears in both Your Blog Connection and All Craft Connection