Writing Creatively

Writing Creatively
Creative Writing Tips

Monday, March 22, 2010

Showcasing ROI Analytics & The Success of YOUR Business

As an article and blog writer, I'm always interested in knowing the marketing analytics of promoting my work. Blogs and articles are my "business" and the goal is to get as many people as possible to read my work, which will hopefully increase my chances of making money.

Who reads my work? Are Twitter and Facebook the only promotional tools I can use to promote my writings? Are my marketing efforts paying off?

Anybody interested in marketing their product, their business, or their web site wants to know what their ROI (return on investment) is. You put a lot of work into creating and marketing your business, but is your marketing program working for you? Do the strategies you have incorporated into your marketing analytics result in profits?

ROI Analytics provides concrete measurable statistical information for businesses that provide RFQs (requests for quotes). ROI Analytics is designed to guide you in making intelligent marketing analytics decisions, and they help you discover the effectiveness of your advertising campaign by demonstrating, through graphs and other marketing analytics, ways to improve your advertising campaign.

If you offer a product that includes requests from potential customers, this marketing analytics tool can help you locate which keywords are working for you, who your potential customers are, and what changes you should probably make to improve your changes of competing in the world of marketing.

And the really nice part of ROI Analytics is that they are free. Check them out by clicking on any of the links in this blog. They offer so much more than I can cover in a blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for pointing that out.

    I just started an online marketing website and im looking to boost my ROI as it's pretty low right now.
