Online FNP: Family Nurse Practitioner Degrees, run by Brooke Stafford, began when Brooke realized that students needed help in finding the right NP degree.
Students interested in becoming nurse practitioners benefit from information provided by Online FNP, because they learn about the various degrees available to them. Online FNP's library is packed with some exciting links as well. Here are a few of them:
Careers for FNPs and Nurse Practitioners – Explore Your Options;
State Nursing Boards and Licensure Requirements – What You Need To Know;
Full Guide to Universities in the US with FNP Degree Programs:
The Ultimate Guide to the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Career – Average Salary, Education;
and many more.
Online FNP profiles various colleges, interviews family nurse practitioners, and keeps its readers up to date with their Online FNP Blog. Want to know about which celebrities had various parts of their bodies insured? Read Online FNP's blog.
If you, a family member, or any of your friends are interested in acquiring a family nurse practitioner degree, I advise you to seek the services of Online FNP: Family Nurse Practitioner Degrees. It will save you so much time.